Kent Westmoreland


Kent Westmoreland's fiction explores the politics, corruption, racial, and social architecture of New Orleans by using the framework of the detective novel.

His protagonist,  Burleigh Drummond,  journeys through the disparate levels of the New Orleans social stratum attempting to right wrongs while earning righteous bucks.

Contact Kent:
Phone number: +1 (504) 669 7915

About me

My personal story won't excite you. My parents were generous and loving; I have no sad stories of torture and abuse. Though I suspect I made their lives a living hell.

The stork dropped me in rural North Carolina on a farm with cows and chickens; a locale I never really cared for. But the location came with my parents and a pretty cool older brother, so there are no complaints.

After high school I moved to Charlotte and spent a few years without direction before eventually attending college to become a software developer.

A few years after college I stumbled into New Orleans and never made it out. That happens a lot here.

People sometimes ask me why I write and why I created the Burleigh Drummond universe.  The format and structure of the detective novel provides the freedom to opine on the human condition in relation to social and political issues. And it is fun.

If you want to find out more, you can email me at


© Copyright Kent Westmoreland